University Guidelines
Attachment 2-B: Approval of Reasonable and Moderate Extensions and Requests for Off-campus Program Locations
- At an early stage, a university will advise the Office of the President of a developing reasonable and moderate extension or request for an off-campus program location.
- Subsequently, the university will forward to the Office of the President a draft proposal, with appropriate back-up material, which includes all information that appears in a Board matter preliminary to the resolution.
- At this point, the Office of the President may consult with the BHE staff as to its view of whether a proposal is a reasonable and moderate extension.
- When all materials are ready, the Chancellor will formally transmit to the President a request for a reasonable and moderate extension or for action in the case of an off-campus program location.
- If the President approves the request, it will be forwarded to the BHE for information in the case of a reasonable and moderate extension or for action in the case of an off-campus program location.
The President will enter in the minutes of regular Board meetings the titles of all reasonable and moderate extension and off-campus program locations approved, and these matters will also be the subject of an annual report.
Public University Requests for Approval of New Units of Instruction, Research, and Public Service and Administration (IBHE Requirements)
IBHE staff have followed the practice of taking senior university program matters that require approval to their Board several times a year. The practice of approvals more than once a year is especially useful in cases of off-campus programs, grants and contracts, and new units not requiring additional funds, because development of these entities does not neatly coincide with the RAMP schedule.
IBHE Guidelines for Approval of Reasonable and Moderate Extensions and Requests for Off-Campus Program Locations
The following IBHE Guidelines detail the process by which campus requests are prepared and submitted to the IBHE through the Vice President for Academic Affairs for the approval of reasonable and moderate extensions, research on public service centers and institutes, and off-campus program locations.
These rules were adopted pursuant to Section 7 of "An Act creating a Board of Higher Education" defining and relating to the term "reasonable and moderate extensions." "Reasonable and moderate extensions" of existing programs are hereby defined as those which are related directly to existing programs, and
- which consist of new and additional courses of instruction within an existing academic department or division which do not involve a new degree, certificate, or academic major, or
- which consist of new research projects or new public service activities which are entered into through agreement with a federal, state or local governmental agency, or foundation, or other grantor, except that any research or public service activity shall be considered a reasonable and moderate extensions only if:
- its total annual operating expenditure from whatever source obtained does not exceed $250,000.00 or
- its annual operating expenditures from state appropriations does not exceed $50,000.00
As to the planning of programs for any new branches which have been or may be established, the Board will expect the governing boards to submit for approval any new units of instruction, research or public service (including a college, school division, department, or institute) on any new campus even though similar programs already exist in other locations.
Each institution is requested to submit not later than March 1 of each year a list of all-new courses, new research contracts, and new public service activities that were initiated during the preceding calendar year.
These guidelines clarify the operation of Board policy in this area as it has evolved. They are:
- Any change in the name of an existing unit of instruction, research, or public service (including but not limited to departments, colleges, schools, institutes, degrees, and majors: and excluding individual courses) which by the commonly accepted standards of the academic community denotes a substantive change in the unit itself, shall not be considered a reasonable and moderate extension, and must therefore still be submitted to the President for approval as a new unit of instruction, research, or public service. In particular any change in name which denotes a change in discipline or academic major, or a change from an arts and science discipline to a similarly named professional discipline or vice-versa, or a change from a teacher education curriculum to a similarly named professional or arts and science curriculum or vice-versa, or a change in level of degree or level of organization, must still be submitted to the President for approval as a new unit.
- Any change in the name of an existing unit of instruction, research, or public service.
Approval of Research Public Service Centers
Research or public service centers which are established for a limited purpose and short duration, and which are supported by external funds may be approved as reasonable and moderate extensions. Approval is dependent upon such centers adhering to the following guidelines.
- The unit’s major support must be from external resources. As a general guideline no more than 25% of the support for the center over the specified approval period should be from direct state appropriations to the university.
- The center must be approved by the President for a specified period of existence, normally no longer than five years. If continuation of the center is to be sought beyond the originally approved period the center must be:
- reviewed by the institution,
- approved by the governing board, and
- approved by the Board of Higher Education
- Institutions and systems must submit rationale and justification for submitting the request as a reasonable and moderate extension as opposed to seeking new program approval from the BHE or organizing the research/public service activity as a project within an existing academic or administrative unit. The character of the center’s activities should be such that, within the time frame of approval, the center will either be phased out or submitted to the Board of Higher Education for approval. In addition, there should be clear evidence that formally organizing the research/public service activities is critical to the success and further development of these activities.
- Upon governing board approval of limited research/public service centers, the governing board staff should report this action as a reasonable and moderate extension of the Board of Higher Education.
Procedures for Seeking Operating and Degree Granting Approval at Off-Campus Sites
The process for obtaining authorization to operate and/or to grant degrees at off-campus locations consists of the following steps:
- Submission of a Notice of Intent. Institutions must submit a one-page description of the courses of degree programs to be offered at the off-campus location, which will be published electronically by the IBHE.
Sample Notice of Intent
Business Administration
Any University has informed the Illinois Board of Higher Education of its intent to offer courses leading to the B.S. in Business Administration in the districts of College of Lake County, Oakton Community College, and William Rainey Harper College.
The Program is designed to provide students with an understanding of the American economic system and the major functional areas of business. It will provide opportunities to develop skills in analysis, evaluation, and planning. The program requires 120 semester hours of coursework including 44 hours of general education. Core courses consist of 24 semester hours of core courses in business communication, accounting, economics, marketing, management, and finance. Fifteen semester hours of business electives and 37 hours of other electives are also included in the program. The curriculum requirements are the same as the on-campus requirements.
The program is designed to serve older adults who have completed prerequisite coursework at the community colleges and who wish to complete the baccalaureate degree but because of work and family responsibilities cannot attend a senior institution on a full-time basis. The classes will be delivered primarily in the evenings and on weekends on the community college campuses and will utilize the computing and library resources of the colleges. Articulation agreements have been developed with each of the community colleges and arrangements have been made for students to have access to appropriate resources on each of the campuses.
The University estimates that approximately 24 students are expected to enroll at each site annually.
Requests for additional information about the proposed program should be directed to Dr. John Haller, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Southern Illinois University.
- Submission of the Application. Institutions are encouraged to submit an application within six months of the date of publication of the Notice of Intent. If an application is not submitted within six months of the date when the Notice of Intent appears in the Board agenda, the Board staff may determine that a second Notice of Intent should be published.
- Review of the application by the Board’s Staff. The staff will review the application and materials submitted by the institution. If necessary, additional information may be requested. At the request of either the staff or institution, a site visit or meeting may be held. The staff will develop a recommendation for consideration by the Board. The institution will be informed of this recommendation approximately one month prior to the meeting.
- Action by the Board. At its regular meeting, the Board will take action to approve or deny authorization. The institution will receive a letter reporting the action of the Board.
Criteria for Approval of new Off-Campus Units of Instruction
- It is expected that the academic standards for off-campus units of instruction will be equivalent to or exceed those maintained on campus. In order for any institution to gain Board of Higher Education approval to offer a unit of instruction at a new site, the following specific criteria will be met:
- Mission and Objectives
- The objectives of the unit of instruction are consistent with the mission of the college or university.
- The objectives of the unit of instruction are consistent with what the degree program title implies.
- Academic Control
- The design, conduct, and evaluation of the unit of instruction is under the direct and continuous control of the sponsoring institution’s established processes for academic planning and quality maintenance, and clear provision is made for assuring a high level of academic performance of faculty and students.
- The admission and graduation requirements for degree programs are consistent with their stated objectives.
- Curriculum
- The caliber and content of the curriculum assure that the objectives of the unit of instruction will be achieved.
- The breadth and depth of the curriculum are consistent with what degree program titles imply.
- Course content, coverage, and academic standards for off-campus courses are consistent with those for on-campus courses.
- Faculty and Staff
- The preparation and experience of faculty and staff ensure that students receive education consistent with the objectives of the unit of instruction.
- The preparation and experience of faculty and staff, as evidenced by degrees held, professional experience in the field of study, and demonstrated knowledge of the field, ensure that they are able to fulfill their academic responsibilities.
- The involvement of faculty in the unit of instruction is sufficient to cover the various fields of knowledge encompassed by the curriculum, to sustain scholarship appropriate to the unit of instruction, and to assure curricular continuity and consistency in student evaluation.
- Off-campus instructors should be evaluated in a manner consistent with that of regular on-campus faculty.
- Support personnel, including counselors, administrators, clinical supervisors, and technical staff, have the background and experience necessary to carry out their assigned responsibilities at the level expected in comparable positions in higher education.
- Support Services
- Facilities, equipment and instructional resources (e.g., laboratory supplies and equipment, instructional materials, computational equipment) necessary to provide high quality instruction are available and maintained.
- Library holdings and acquisitions necessary to support high quality instruction and scholarship are available, accessible, and maintained.
- Provision is made for guidance and counseling of students, evaluations of student performance, continuous monitoring of progress of students toward their educational objectives and appropriate academic record keeping.
- Financing
- The financial commitments to support the unit of instruction are sufficient to ensure that the stated objectives can be attained, and that the faculty staff and support services necessary to offer the unit of instruction can be acquired and maintained.
- Projections of revenues necessary to support the unit of instruction are based upon supportable estimates of general revenue, student tuition and fees, private gifts, and/or governmental grants and contracts.
- Financial affairs are conducted in a manner consistent with ethical business practice, including the maintenance of appropriate financial statements.
- Program Information
- The information which the institution provides for students and the public accurately describes the unit of instruction offered, program objectives, length of program, residency requirements, if any, schedule of tuition, fee, and all other charges and expenses necessary for completion of the course of study, cancellation and refund policies, and such other material facts concerning the institution and the unit of instruction as are likely to affect the decision of the student to enroll. Such information shall be available to prospective students prior to enrollment.
- Accreditation and Licensure
- Institutional operating authority, and in the case of off-campus programs, degree-granting authority have been obtained from applicable governmental bodies and governing boards.
- Appropriate steps have been taken to assure that regional accreditation of the institution is maintained or will be granted in a reasonable period of time.
- Appropriate steps have been taken to assure that professional accreditation needed for licensure or entry into a profession as specified in the objectives of the program are maintained or will be granted in a reasonable period of time.
- Mission and Objectives
- In order for an institution to grant Board of Higher Education approval for a unit of instruction at a new site, the following criteria, where statutorily applicable, must be met in addition to those cited in (1.) above:
- The unit of instruction is educationally and economically justified based on the educational priorities and needs of the citizens of Illinois.
- The unit of instruction meets a need that is not currently met by the configuration of existing institutions and programs at the unit of instruction site.
- The unit of instruction is justified by the proposing institution as appropriate to its academic mission.
Conditions for Temporary Approval
Colleges and universities may be given temporary approval to offer off-campus units of instruction under the following conditions:
- The off-campus unit of instruction is offered under contract to a single business, service organization, or government agency and enrollment is restricted to employees of the contracting business, organization, or agency.
- In the case of public institutions, the contractual arrangements are such that the off-campus unit instruction is self-supporting; that is, no state resources are required to support the program.
- The off-campus unit of instruction is offered to a single group of entering students for a single cycle not to exceed three years.
- The off-campus unit of instruction is offered on the main campus and the academic standards of the main campus are maintained at the new off-campus site.
The institution will notify the Board of Higher Education staff of these contractual arrangements including a description of the services to be provided and the time frame during which the services will be offered. Should the institution wish to continue the unit of instruction at the off-campus site beyond the initial cycle, the institution must seek formal Board of Higher Education approval.
In order for institutions to gain temporary approval, they must inform the Executive Director of the Illinois Board of Higher Education of the contractual relationship prior to initiating the program. If possible, a draft contract between the parties should be provided and the time frame during which the services will be offered. If this is not possible, the letter to the Executive Director should address each of these points. Should the Board staff have any questions related to the materials provided, the questions must be resolved prior to the Board staff giving the temporary approval. The Board staff will respond with a letter of acknowledgment indicating acceptance of the temporary approval.
Application for Operating and/or Degree Granting Authority for Off-Campus Units of Instruction
The following pages contain the application materials for both operating and degree granting authority for higher education institutions operating or wishing to operate in Illinois. They may be detached for convenience. The information requested in this publication is required to demonstrate that the criteria for approval have been met. The questions are in accordance with the Board’s policies and the rules and statutes.
This application consists of two parts. Part I should be completed by all institutions seeking authorization to operate at an off-campus location in Illinois. Part I and Part II should be completed by an institution seeking authorization to grant degrees at an off-campus location.
An institution may apply for authorization for more than one site and/or more than one program within the same application providing that complete information about each site and each program is submitted. Two or more institutions may submit a single joint application for a cooperatively developed program or programs.
In order to reduce duplication of materials submitted, general materials such as catalogs, brochures, and handbooks may be provided as attachments and referenced in response to appropriate questions. The staff will also accept applications prepared for submission to other states providing that the information is up-to-date and supplementary information on the specific plans for Illinois sites and programs is provided. The staff will also accept the "Uniform Information on Course and Credit-Bearing Certificate Programs to Be Offered via Telecommunications," an application format designed for institutions planning to provide instruction in more than one state via telecommunications. For approval of real-time, telecommunications-mediated instruction delivered to specific Illinois sites, the proposed institution will need to provide a complete description of the technology to be used. Depending on the technology, the staff may require some level of technical detail.
The pages of the text and attachments (excluding pre-printed materials) should be numbered consecutively.
Three complete sets of application and supporting materials should be submitted to:
Executive Director
Illinois Board of Higher Education
431 East Adams, 2nd Floor
Springfield, IL 52701-1418
Questions related to policies, procedures, and application materials may be directed to Vice President for Academic Affairs, Paul Sarvela, Southern Illinois University.
* Note: the requests and tables can be downloaded in PDF format at the bottom of this page.
for Operating and/or Degree Granting Authority
for Off-Campus Units of Instruction
Cover Sheet
Date of Submission: _________________________________________________
Name of Institution: _________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
Chief Executive Officer: _____________________________________________
Contact Person: ____________________________Phone: __________________
Proposed Degree Program(s):
CIP Code | Degree Title (Degree Designation and Major) | Implementation Date |
_________ | ______________________________________ | ____________ | ||
_________ | ______________________________________ | ____________ | ||
_________ | ______________________________________ | ____________ |
Proposed Location(s): Region #_________________________________
(Required from Private and Out-of-State Institutions)
The undersigned hereby verifies that the information provided in this application is true, complete and correct to the best of his or her knowledge; and that he or she has the authority to submit this application on behalf of the above named institution or proposed institution; and that he or she is an authorized representative of said institution.
________________________________ | ________________________ | |
Name | Title |
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ____day of________________, A.D., 20______.
_________________________ Notary Public |
Part I
Part I of this application should be submitted by all institutions seeking authorization to operate and/or grant degrees at an off-campus location in Illinois.
Attachments to Part I
The following items must be included as attachments to Part I of this application. Additional attachments may be provided.
- General Catalog.
- Copies of brochures, announcements, advertisements, and other materials that will be used to recruit students and inform them about the instruction to be offered. Drafts of these materials may be submitted.
- Tuition and refund policies.
- Schedule of planned instructional offerings.
- Planning and Budget Information (use Table A or B as appropriate to provide planning and budget information for the total operation at the proposed site).
- Audited financial statements for the most recent fiscal year (private and out-of-state institutions).
Note: Some of the following questions may be answered by reference to the appropriate sections of the attachments.
Mission and Plans
- Provide a brief description of the planned instruction (courses and/or programs) at the off campus location(s). This description should include the objectives of the instructional offerings, the intended audience and the characteristics of students to be served, the estimated number of students to be served, planned scope and duration of offerings, and the institution’s short- and long-term plans for instructional activities at the location.
- Describe how the planned off-campus instruction at the specified off-campus location relates to the institution’s overall mission and short- and long-term plans. Describe why the institution proposes to offer the specific instruction and the need which this instruction will address.
- If the proposed off-campus offerings have been planned in cooperation or in consultation with the regional consortium, provide the recommendation of the consortium and show how the proposed off-campus offerings meet needs identified for the region. Describe cooperative arrangements, if any, with other institutions or organizations.
Academic Control
- Show how the proposed off-campus instruction will be administered within the overall structure of the organization. Describe the relationship between the instruction proposed for the new off-campus site and the related academic and administrative units on the home campus.
- Describe the standards of quality and the policies and procedures that will assure that these standards will be maintained at the off-campus location in the following areas:
- Qualifications of faculty and faculty evaluation.
- Admission of students.
- Student performance and achievement.
- Program review and evaluation.
Describe any exceptions to on-campus policies and procedures in the above areas and provide the justification for these exceptions.
Support Services
- Describe how the following support services and instructional materials will be provided to students enrolled at the off-campus location:
- Admissions and registration.
- Academic advising.
- Maintenance of academic and financial records.
- Tutoring and other academic support services.
- Occupational advising and placement services.
- Appropriate equipment to support planned instruction.
- Internship or clinical facilities.
- Describe the facility to be used or standards for acquiring physical facilities, and any special space requirements for the site at which the program will be offered. Is the facility to be used in compliance with all appropriate local, state, and federal ordinances or laws for use as an educational facility?
- Complete the budget section of Table B for the total operation at the proposed site. Provide notes or explanations appropriate to show that adequate resources will be available to support and maintain instruction at the site.
Table B (Illinois Public Universities)
Check One: | _____ For All Operations at the Proposed Off-Campus Site |
_____ For Proposed Program: _____________________ |
First Year | Second Year | Third Year | Fourth Year | Fifth Year | |
Year Ending (Date): | |||||
Projected Enrollment and Instructional Offerings | |||||
Headcount Enrollment | |||||
Number of Courses to be Offered | |||||
Number of Course Enrollments | |||||
Tuition per Course | |||||
Tuition per Program | |||||
Projected Faculty and Staff | |||||
Number of Courses Taught by Regular On-Campus Faculty | |||||
Compensation per Course | |||||
Number of Courses taught by Adjunct Faculty | |||||
Compensation per Course | |||||
Budgeted Resource Requirements | |||||
Resources from Federal Sources | |||||
Resources from Other Non-State Sources | |||||
Existing State Resources | |||||
Resources from Internal Allocation | |||||
New State Resources Required | |||||
Tuition and Fees | |||||
Other (Specify) | |||||
Budgeted Expenditures | |||||
Faculty Compensation | |||||
Administrative Compensation | |||||
Facility Costs | |||||
Maintenance & Physical Plant | |||||
Student Services | |||||
Equipment | |||||
Instructional Materials | |||||
Library | |||||
Contractual Services | |||||
Auxiliary Enterprises | |||||
Other (Specify) | |||||
An institution seeking authority to offer a new degree program or advertise degree completion opportunities at a new or previously approved off-campus location should submit part II of this application. Illinois institutions and previously approved out-of-state institutions that do not plan to offer a new degree program at a new off-campus location are not required to complete this part.
Attachments to Part II - The following items must be included as attachments to Part II of this application. Additional attachments may be provided.
- Catalog description of the proposed program.
- Copies of brochures, announcements, advertisements, and other materials that will be used to recruit students and inform them about the programs. Drafts of these materials may be submitted.
- Course descriptions.
- Planning and Budget Information (use Table B to provide planning and budget information for each program to be offered at the proposed site.)
Note: Many of the following questions may be answered by reference to the appropriate sections of the attachments.
Program Objectives and Curriculum
- Describe the academic and occupational objectives of the proposed degree program.
- Describe the key components of the curriculum (i.e., core requirements, general education requirements, areas of specialization, clinical practicum or field work requirements, thesis and dissertation requirements and electives.) Indicate the credit hour requirements for each component of the curriculum.
- Provide an exemplary curriculum showing the sequence in which courses should be taken.
- Describe expected commitment of time by students for each unit of credit and for each component of curriculum (i.e., hours of direct instructional contact, hours of practicum, hours of laboratory work, and hours outside of formal instructional activities). Describe any exceptions to on-campus policies regarding time commitments and provide the justification for these exceptions.
- Describe the standards for the proposed program for the following:
The catalog and/or brochure should contain this information and this question may be answered by reference to the appropriate sections of the general catalog or program description to be attached to this application.- Admissions requirements and prerequisites.
- Amount of credit accepted in transfer from other institutions.
- Policies and criteria for accepting transfer credit.
- Amount of life experience credits accepted.
- Procedures and criteria for evaluating life experience and awarding credit.
- Total hours required for program completion.
- Grade point average required for program completion.
- Residency requirements (minimum number of credit hours that must be taken from the degree granting institution.)
- Language requirements.
- Research requirements (thesis, dissertations, research projects).
- Qualifying or comprehensive examination requirements.
- Practicum, clinical and field experience requirements.
- Time limits for completion.
- Describe how the proposed program will support, or be supported by, other academic programs offered by the institution either on-campus or at the off-campus location. Describe any effects that the proposed program will have on other programs within the institution. Will this program replace any existing programs? Will the enrollments projected for the proposed program reduce enrollments in other programs (if so, identify these programs)?
Student and Occupational Demand
- Identify programs and sponsoring institutions that are similar to the proposed program within the geographical region from which students may be drawn. Provide documentation of the student demand for the proposed program, including enrollment trends for the community, region or state that are relevant to the proposed program.
- Provide evidence of the employment demand for graduates of the program. If the program is designed to meet the needs of a specific job market, provide historical trends and projections for the number of job openings in relevant sectors of the economy and geographical regions served. Provide the starting salaries for individuals entering positions with similar educational preparations.
- Describe minimum enrollment levels per course or per program established by the institution for offering courses or continuing the program at the site. What commitment is made by the institution to assure students that they will be able to complete the program?
Faculty and Staff
- Please provide the following information related to faculty and staff:
- Identify the principal faculty, administrators, and support staff who will be directly involved in the program. Without providing a full resume, summarize the qualifications of each person in relation to that person’s role in the program including educational background, professional experience, scholarly interests and contributions, and public service activities.
- How many new faculty will be needed to staff the program? Submit copies of position descriptions that will be used in recruiting new faculty.
Accreditation and Licensure
- Provide documentation of the following:
- Institutional accreditation organization and current status.
- Program accreditation organization, if applicable, and current status.
- Approval of accrediting organization(s) for proposed off-campus site.
- What agencies license graduates of programs of the type proposed? If applicable, describe the licensing requirements and historical success rates of graduates on licensing exams.
- Complete the budget section of Table B for each program included in this application. Provide notes or explanation as appropriate to show that adequate resources will be available to support and maintain the proposed program.
Downloadable forms (PDF format):
Last updated: 12 Dec 2001