University Guidelines
Section 10. University Related Organizations
Issued: July 2014
Replaces: August 2009 (formerly Section 9)
10.1 Introduction
The Board of Trustees has established seven (7) University Related Organizations which include: Southern Illinois University Foundation at Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Foundation at Edwardsville, SIU Physicians and Surgeons, Inc (Springfield), University Park Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Southern Illinois Research Park at Carbondale, The Association of Alumni, Former Students and Friends of Southern Illinois University, Inc., and Alumni Association of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.
10.2 Guidelines for University Review of Proposed Contracts of University-Related Organizations
The primary purpose of the University-Related Organizations (URO) of Southern Illinois University is to serve the best interests of Southern Illinois University in support of the University’s various educational, research, and service missions. As such, contracts between a URO and third parties must necessarily conform fully to the mission and existing contractual obligations of Southern Illinois University. To assure such conformance and consistency, each URO shall provide for review to the appropriate cognizant university officer (President or Chancellor), or to their designated representatives, a hard copy, electronic copy, or equivalent copy of each proposed URO contract prior to its execution.
Each URO shall also provide to the Chancellor on July 1st of each year a complete list of all contracts signed by the URO during the prior fiscal year, detailing the names of all contractual parties, the date of contract execution, the contract term, and the financial or other significant obligation to or from the URO, if any.
Contracts between SIU Physicians & Surgeons, Inc., (SIU P&S) and third parties shall be reviewed in accordance with provisions of the Master Agreement between the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University and SIU P&S.
Last updated: 23 July 2014