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Course Sharing Textbook
SIUC Student Taking an SIUE Course
- SIUC students expect to purchase texts either at the bookstore or online
- SIUC student can look at the Student page to find the correct text to purchase AND/OR
- SIUC will create a “new” department for Edwardsville and list the course such as SIUE ACS270 on the bookstore site/in the bookstore students can find and purchase the correct text using the SIUC bookstrore
SIUE Student Taking an SIUC Course
- SIUE students expect to rent textbooks using SIUE textbook services (texts are mailed or picked up in person)
- SIUE will purchase the materials from the publisher and prepare them for rental
- SIUE student can look at the Student page to find the correct text AND
- SIUE textbook service will create a “new” department for Carbondale shared courses and list the courses such as SIUC AFR215 on their site and in textbook rental so students can locate and rent the correct texts